Tuesday, January 28, 2020

Tuesday January 28, 2020

Happy Tuesday!!

It was so nice to see everyone at school today.  It sounds like everyone had a great weekend. 

We used our movement cube today, it now has new movements.  We waddled like penguins, floated like snowflakes, rolled like snowballs, slipped on the ice, shoveled snow and a few other actions.  We have so much fun using the movement cube!!

When we were sitting together in a circle, I asked our class "What games can you play if you are sitting in a circle" lots of different games were thrown out, but one that was the most popular was Duck, Duck, Goose.  How can you turn down that fun game?!?  I was so proud of how well everyone did playing, cheering and waiting their turn.

Our story today was "Bears in the Snow" By Shirley Parenteau. This is a cute story about four little bears, who go play in the snow.  The also invite their friend Big Brown Bear.  However, they only have one sled!!  The little bears know that they need to take turns and only two friends will fit on the sled.  But, they all want to try and fit on the sled.  So, down the hill they go......until some start falling off!! But then, Big Brown Bear has an idea!! Ask you child what his idea was.

Sarvesh was our snack leader today.  He brought yogurt, strawberries and granola.  Thank you, Sarvesh!!

We are VERY excited that Thursday is PAJAMA DAY!!  I am sure that your child will continue to remind you over and over until Thursday!!

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