Happy Monday!!
I hope that you all enjoyed the Art Show last week. Thank you to everyone who came "virtually" and saw all of the beautiful artwork. I hope that your children were excited to show off their work, and see the work of their friends.
Shake your sillies out with this song!
We are in our final week of reading month. What fun books have you been reading this month? This week we are going to be reading books by Dr. Seuss. I am sure you have read books by him before. Our story today is "Fox in Socks". If you have this book at home, go get it and follow along!
Wow!! That book had a lot of tongue twisters in it! A tongue twister is a bunch of words that start with the same letter. When you try to say them fast or even sometimes slow, your tongue gets silly!
Can you say " She sell seashells by the seashore" first try saying it slow, then say it faster and faster! Here is a song with some tongue twisters.
Can you make some socks like the Fox in Socks? They can be silly with different colors, or they can have stripes, or dots, or hearts!
You can create your silly socks here!
I declare today Silly Sock Day......can you find silly socks at your house? They can be socks of different colors, or lengths, they can have pictures on them or different patterns. Maybe you can ask your family to join you in silly sock day!
We are having Silly Sock Day at the Smith House!
Parents, please give your child a hug hug from me and let them know that Mrs. Smith misses them so much!! I hope you are all doing well!
Thank you for all the work you’re doing for our kiddos!!!