Wednesday, April 29, 2020

Wednesday April 28, 2020

Happy Wacky Wednesday!!!

I hope you have all had a nice start to your week. Have you done anything fun? We have been growing butterflies at our house for the last few weeks.  Do you remember in the book "The Very Hungry Caterpillar" how the caterpillar ate and ate, then built a cocoon that he slept in for two weeks? Then when he woke up, he was a beautiful butterfly.  That is what happened at my house! On Monday, they were ready to fly off on their new adventure.  It was so neat to watch them grow from the caterpillar to the butterflies!

Here is a song to get your body moving!

Did you notice that I said Wacky Wednesday?  Well, wacky means to do something silly.  Like, wear your clothes backwards, or two different shoes.  Our story today is "Wacky Wednesday" By Dr. Suess.  Based on the title, I have a feeling that there are going to be some wacky things going on! watch

Wow!! There were a lot of wacky things happening in that story.  What did you find in the book that was wacky?  I saw shoes on the wall, and a palm tree growing out of the toilet in the bathroom!  Oh my goodness, that was a silly book!

I have officially declared today Wacky Wednesday!  That means, you can do some things wacky!  Are you going to wear your clothes backwards, or maybe wear a silly outfit! I would love to see some pictures of you enjoying your wacky Wednesday!
 Please give your child a huge hug from me, and let them know that Mrs. Smith misses them very much! I hope you all continue to enjoy the rest of your week!

Monday, April 27, 2020

Monday April 27, 2020

Happy Monday!!

I hope that you all enjoyed the Art Show last week.  Thank you to everyone who came "virtually" and  saw all of the beautiful artwork.  I hope that your children were excited to show off their work, and see the work of their friends.

Shake your sillies out with this song!

We are in our final week of reading month.  What fun books have you been reading this month?  This week we are going to be reading books by Dr. Seuss.  I am sure you have read books by him before.  Our story today is "Fox in Socks". If you have this book at home, go get it and follow along!

Wow!! That book had a lot of tongue twisters in it! A tongue twister is a bunch of words that start with the same letter.  When you try to say them fast or even sometimes slow, your tongue gets silly!
Can you say " She sell seashells by the seashore" first try saying it slow, then say it faster and faster!  Here is a song with some tongue twisters.

Can you make some socks like the Fox in Socks?  They can be silly with different colors, or they can have stripes, or dots, or hearts!

You can create your silly socks here!

I declare today Silly Sock Day......can you find silly socks at your house?  They can be socks of different colors, or lengths, they can have pictures on them or different patterns.  Maybe you can ask your family to join you in silly sock day!

                                             We are having Silly Sock Day at the Smith House!

Parents, please give your child a hug hug from me and let them know that Mrs. Smith misses them so much!! I hope you are all doing well!

Thursday, April 23, 2020

Art Show!


The students in Mrs. Smith and Mrs. Youngbauer's class love to do art! We are very excited to share with you some of our artwork!  Please enjoy! 

Monday-Wednesday Green Group

















Tuesday-Thursday Yellow Group

















We hope you enjoyed the show!

Be sure to check out the art work from Mrs. Christiansen's class!

Wednesday, April 22, 2020

Wednesday April 22, 2020

It's another beautiful day outside!!

   I hope that you all have gotten the opportunity to play outside, or go for a walk.  What fun things have you been doing as a family?  My family and I have been spending a lot of time outside going for bike rides, playing with side walk chalk and playing hockey.  We even made pasta one night!

Here is a song to get you moving today!

We have another Ezra Jack Keats story today.  I hope you all enjoyed the Pet Show on Monday, I loved seeing pictures of the Pet Shows that you all did at home!  Our story today is "Whistle for Willie"

Do you know how to whistle?  It took Peter a lot of practice to learn how to whistle, but finally he got it!!  He was so excited when Willie came running up to him!  I'm sure that after hearing this story, you are all trying to whistle.  Would you like to learn how?  Maybe a grown-up at home or an older sibling can help you, after you watch this video!  Remember, like Peter have to practice and don't give up! It may not happen on the first try! Ask your parents to send me a video of you whistling!

We have something very exciting happening tomorrow! We originally had our Art Show scheduled for Thursday evening,  However, due to the circumstances that can't happen.  So, we are going to being the Art Show to you!!  Check back to the blog on Thursday and enjoy our Virtual Art Show! There will also be a link for you to see the art work from Mrs. Christiansen's Class.

Please give your child a huge hug from me, and let them know that Mrs. Smith REALLY misses them!!

Here is a picture of us making pasta the other night! It was sure yummy!

Monday, April 20, 2020

Monday April 20, 2020

Happy Monday!!

I hope you all had a wonderful time enjoying the beautiful weather that we had over the weekend, maybe some of you even played in the snow last Thursday!  We have experienced quite the weather changes lately!

I know that you have all read the email from Mrs. Christiansen over the weekend.  To say that my heart is crushed is an understatement. This was not how I wanted the rest of our school year to play out, but we have to do what is best for each other.  I am excited to continue to post on the blog each week, and enjoy catching up with you through email.  It has been such a pleasure to watch all of the growth in your children this year.

Here is a song to get your brain and your body moving!  Can you act like some of the animals in the song?

I am excited to share with you another Author.  The Author this week is Ezra Jack Keats. He is an award winning Author and Illustrator.  In fact, his illustrations are very unique.  Our story today is "Pet Show". Please click on the link below.

Archie had quite the interesting pet!! If you were going to a Pet Show, what kind of animal would you bring?  Would it be a dog or a cat? What about a goldfish?  Maybe it would be an animal that you made yourself!!!  While you are thinking of your animal. now think about the kind of award you would win?  Would it be best smile, or softest fur?  Could it be best snuggles?

You and your family can have your own Pet Show.  Everyone can bring their favorite pet the the show.  You can even make awards to hand out!

Here is an award that you can color.

Please give your child a hug and let them know that Mrs. Smith loves them, and misses them so much!

Wednesday, April 15, 2020

Wednesday April 15, 2020

Happy Snowy Wednesday!!

Well, I hope that you weren't like me and put away all of the snow gear.  The one upside to the snow, is it is very pretty to look at while we are inside, and there is no need to shovel!!!

I hope you were able to check the post from yesterday, with an update from the teachers at Redeemer.  We were all very eager to share with you what we have been up to! Boy, do we miss coming to school and seeing everyone!

Here is one of our favorite songs to do together! I hope you enjoy it at home as much as we do at school!

Some of my favorite Mo Willems books are about Pigeon, and the adventures that he goes on.  Today our story is "Don't let the Pigeon drive the bus".

That Pigeon never gives up, does he?  He really wanted to drive that bus!!  Since he couldn't drive the bus, what do you think Pigeon would have fun driving?  A car, a tractor, maybe ride a horse?  What are some of your favorite Mo Willems books?

Mo Willems has been making Lunch Doodle videos, and sharing how he draws his characters.  Maybe you and a grown -up can watch together and draw Pigeon.  What would you have your Pigeon drive?

Here is a coloring sheet that you can print and color yourself of Pigeon.  What color would you make him?

We have enjoyed watching Mo Willems share how he write his books and draws his characters.

I hope you all have a great rest of your week, and you are all staying healthy and making some memories!  Please give your child a hug, and let them know that Mrs. Smith is thinking about them!

Tuesday, April 14, 2020

Tuesday April 14, 2020

We have been getting emails asking how all of the teachers at Redeemer are doing.  We are happy to report that everyone is healthy, and we missing all the smiling faces at school.  Here are some pictures that show what we have been up to!

Mrs. Christiansen has been spending time with her family.  Luckily, her son just bought a house that needs some work!

Mrs. Smith has been busy at home with her husband and 3 boys.  When she isn't enjoying their company she is working on her basement remodel.

Mrs. Heimendinger has been busy spending time with her family and working on puzzles.  She just complete a puzzle that was 1,000 pieces! 

Mrs. Youngbauer has been busy with her husband and 3 girls.  They have been baking, playing outside and getting their garden ready to plant.

Mrs. Yocom has been spending time with her family, taking walks and enjoying their company. She really misses everyone at school!

We hope to see you all sometime soon! Stay healthy and enjoy this time with your family.

Monday, April 13, 2020

Monday April 13, 2020

Happy Monday!

I hope you all had a wonderful Easter, and lots of memories were made.  I can't wait to hear all about your egg hunts, and what the Easter Bunny brought to your house!

Hopefully, you have been able to enjoy the weather outside and the grass isn't too soggy.  I would love to hear how you have been spending your time at home.  Have you played games, or maybe done a puzzle? Watched any good movies? Baked anything?  I have had some questions about how the teachers at Redeemer at spending their days at home.  This week, I will be posting a blog with an update from everyone.

Get your bodies moving with one of our favorite songs!

We are going to reading books this week written by Mo Willems.  He writes  the Elephant and Piggie series, Pigeon books, and many others.  What is your favorite Mo Willems book?

The story that we are hearing today is from the Elephant and Piggie series. "Should I Share My Ice Cream?" If you have this book at home, please feel free to follow along with us!

That sweet of Gerald to think that Piggie would like some ice cream.  But, them he started to worry that Piggie wouldn't like the flavor, or what if Piggie didn't want ice cream?  Poor Gearld worried so much, that his ice cream melted and fell to the floor!!!  But, Piggie saved the day!!!  Piggie brought ice cream to Gerald and shared with him!!!  What great friends!!!  I hope that you are all sharing at home.  I know that we have been talking a lot about sharing.

What is your favorite flavor of ice cream?  Maybe you can color a picture of your favorite flavor! Don't forget to use your pincher fingers to hold your crayon! There are some lines that need to be traced on the cone.  Can you do it?

I can't wait to hear from you!!  Please give your child a hug and let them know that Mrs. Smith misses them!!

Wednesday, April 8, 2020

Wednesday April 8. 2020

Happy Wednesday!!

I hope you are all enjoying this beautiful weather this week! Well, besides that crazy storm last night with all that hail! I hope none of you have any damage to your cars and houses.  My family and I were talking the other day, we decided that if we had to be at home for over a month.....we were sure glad that it was with weather like this!  We love to go outside and enjoy the sunshine!  What fun things have you been doing outside?  I would love to hear all about it!

As always, give your child a hug and let them know that Mrs. Smith is thinking about them and REALLY misses them!!

Can you do the Easter Bunny Dance and Freeze? Don't let Jack trick you!!

I hope you enjoyed the Pete the Cat book on Monday, today we have another Pete the Cat Book.  The one thing about Pete, is that he is always willing to help and share!

Our story today is "Pete the Cat-Big Easter Adventure" By Kimberly and James Dean.

Wow! Pete was quite the helper for the Easter Bunny! What ways have you been like Pete the Cat?  Are you being good helpers, and sharing?

  Have you colored any Easter eggs at your house?  What colors did you use?  I would love to see a picture of your Easter eggs. When you go outside today, or even in your house maybe you can practice having an egg hunt.  You and your grown-ups or siblings can take turns hiding eggs or other objects.  Then you can go on a hunt and find them!! You might have to look really hard, some of them could be tricky!

Here is a great big egg that you can color!

We have been busy at our house coloring eggs.

I hope that you all have a great rest of your week.  Try to enjoy the beautiful weather we are having, and play outside.  Enjoy your egg hunts this weekend!