I hope that your week is going well, and that you enjoyed our story on Monday. I can't wait to share with you our story today!
Please give your child a hug from me, and let them know that Mrs. Smith really misses them!!!
It is so important to get up and move!! It keeps our mind and our bodies active. Let's get moving by doing one of our favorite songs!
Our class loves to read Pete the Cat books. Our story today is from the same author, Eric Litwin. "Groovy Joe: Ice Crean and Dinosaurs" wraps up our lesson this month about sharing and being kind. Watch out, because Groovy Joe has a catchy song that might get stuck in your head!!
Please click on the link below to enjoy our story for today:
It's awesome to share!! All the dinosaurs were happily enjoying ice cream thanks to Groovy Joe! What fun things have you been doing at home to be kind to each other? I was talking to Mrs. Youngbauer, and she said that her girls have been busy working together on different projects at their house. The have been making forts out of pillows and blankets to read and play in, and doing some science experiments! Here are a few pictures of them!
Our next door neighbor has a HUGE lemon tree, and is very kind about sharing the lemons. We have been picking lemons like crazy, and making pies and lemonade.

I hope you all continue to have a great week, and make some memories together. I'll be back on Monday with a new post to share! Feel free to leave a comment below, and share how you have been spending your time together at home!
Keaton said that he has been helpful by sharing his toys and kind by being nice to his sister!