Monday, March 23, 2020

Monday March 23, 2020


I know that we have only been away from each other for a week, but it feels so much longer than that.   I hope that you are all staying healthy and enjoying your time together as a family. To those of you who were traveling, I hope you are all back home by now.  As you all know, we are following what Bettendorf schools has decided and will resume classes hopefully on April 13th. During this time away from each other, I will be posting a few activities each week, that you can do at home with your child.

Please give your child a hug from me, and let them know that Mrs. Smith really misses them!!!

Before we left for Spring Break, we had been talking about being kind, sharing, and how to be a good friend.  I am sure that there have been some moments at your house lately, where sharing or being kind has been forgotten.  I know there have definitely been those moments between the Smith Boys at my house!!

One book that I enjoy reading is "The Boy Who Wouldn't Share" By Mike Reiss.  Edward has lots of toys, but doesn't share any of them with his sister Claire.  Every time Claire tries to play with something, Edward yells "It's mine, mine mine!" Until, one day when Claire has something that Edward might like. Does he change his feelings on sharing?

Please click on the link below to watch and listen to the story:

Some questions to ask your child are.  What made Edward want to share with Claire?  How do you think it made Claire feel when Edward wouldn't share his toys?  What is one way to say you are sorry for not sharing? How can we share at home?

Here is a song about sharing!  Dance your wiggles out!

Here is a picture of two of my kids sharing.  They were on a scavenger hunt, and working together.

I have turned on the comments section of our blog, please feel free to leave a comment if you child has something that they would like to share!!


  1. Thank you for taking the time to still post! Brinley tells me all the time she misses you! It's so hard when they don't understand why they can't go to school right now :(

    1. Awe! I miss Brinley too! Please tell her that I hope to see her soon!

  2. My Haiden misses you guys! Almost every night when we say goodnight she says "see you in the morning for preschool!" 😔

    1. Oh my goodness! That is the cutest!! Please tell Haiden that hopefully we can go to preschool soon!!

  3. Alexandria always asks when we are going back to "teachers house". 😭 she misses all her friends so much.

  4. AH!! I miss her so much!! Please give her a hug from me!
