Tuesday, February 18, 2020

Tuesday February 18, 2020

Finally a sunny day!!

It was so exciting to see the sun shining outside this morning when we came to school!

Today we played the garbage game. Don't worry, we didn't play with real garbage!  We had two teams, and the object of the game is to have your side of the room clean. So, you have to throw your garbage (bath poofs) over to the other side!!  There was so much laughter in the room, you couldnt help but smile!

Our story today was "How do Dinosaurs say I'm MAD?" By Jane Yolen.  When little dinosaurs get angry, they sometimes misbehave.  Do they throw toys, or kick chairs? Do they throw a dino-sized fit when Mom and Dad tell them no?  No, Dinosaurs don't!  They say they are sorry, and pick up their toys and make everything right.  They use their words, and not their hands when they are upset.  This story got a lot of conversations going about how we can try and control our actions. 

Today we had wheat thins and cheese sticks for snack.

I hope all enjoy this sunshine, see you on Thursday!!

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