Thursday, September 12, 2019

Thursday September 12, 2019

Happy RED Day!!

Everyone was so excited to show off all of their red clothing today! Some of us were covered head to toe in red!

The weather was so nice, and we had lots of wiggles to get out of our system today.  The playground was calling our names!!  We played with the building blocks and made huge towers, went super fast on the bikes, had a tea party on the tables and played some games of catch.  It was so nice to get some fresh air, before it started to get really warm today.

Our story today was "We Don't Eat Our Classmates"By Ryan T. Higgins.  Its the first day of school for Penelope Rex, and she can't wait to meet her classmates.  But, its hard to make human friends when they are so darn delicious!! That is, until Penelope gets a taste of her own medicine and she finds that she may not be at the top of the food chain after all.....she meets Walter, the class fish.  Ask your child what Walter did to make her realize its not polite to eat your friends.

Today was our Birthday/Cooking Day!!!  For our cooking activity, we peeled bananas, added two chocolate chip eye, some wheat thin cracker scales, and pretzel legs.  Can you guess what we made?!? DINOSAURS!!!! And, boy were they tasty!! Everyone did such a great job peeling their bananas and putting their dinosaurs together.  We didn't have any birthdays in September to celebrate, but that not a reason to pass up a birthday brownie! Boy, were they tasty!! Some of us had more on our faces, than in our mouths!

I hope you all had a wonderful week, and enjoy your weekend!!

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